People like to judge things before they try them, the same thing goes for a vegan lifestyle. There are many rumors, stereotypes, and myths about vegans that are simply not true. We have highlighted a few misconceptions that we have heard when we talk mention veganism to people.
"A vegan diet does not provide enough protein!"
A vegan diet actually has a lot of protein just in places that you would never think to look. Did you know that broccoli has more protein per caloric intake than pretty much all forms of meat. Maybe you didn't know that soy products usually have enough protein to supply you body with an adequate intake. Watercress, spinach, lentils, and black beans all are forms of protein rich foods that can add to your diet.
There is plenty of protein rich foods within a vegan diet, you just have to do a little research in the foods that have the nutrients. This is the same for many other vital nutrients. A vegan diet will supply you with the right amount of any nutrient, you just need to find the right plant based foods that will fit your goals.
"I heard vegan diets are expensive?"
This misunderstanding can be true, however, that is if you are buying prepackaged meals and paying extra for the convenience. Prepacked meals in any diet can become costly, especially when most prepackaged meals coast anywhere from $3.00 to $15.00 on average. These meals, even in a vegan diet, can be unhealthy if eaten on a regular daily basis.
A cheaper and healthier alternative is buying whole foods in bundles. This can cut back on costs, supply food for longer periods of time, and help with food storage. Whole foods are also healthier in that you can experiment with you own meals and cook what you want whenever you you want. Vegan meals do not have to be expensive, they do not have to be unhealthy, and they can be what you make of it.
"Maintaining a vegan diet did hard"
Any lifestyle change or diet will get difficult if it not planned and thought out thoroughly. A great question to ask yourself before you start is "why am I doing this?" or "what is my purpose for going vegan?" if you can't come up with a good answer then, like for anything you ask these questions, is it worth doing? A vegan diet, when done properly, is worth it.
Maintaining a vegan diet is not hard at all. Look at the goal you want to accomplish, find what you want to eat and what tastes preferable, then buy those products. We feel that as you eat more vegan food you start to expand your taste buds in that you start to like a diverse range of healthy options. Having a diverse taste range is easy to shop for and to maintain especially in a vegan diet.
We have heard people assume "vegans eat salads and grass all day," offensive, yes, but who doesn't love salad? People will create misconceptions and judge things they don't understand without even trying it for themselves. We believe that the world would be a better place if there were more vegans. Giving it a try is one more step toward a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.